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 “There are few things as powerful as the joy of someone who got a second chance and found their purpose.”

―Kim Reynolds

Elliot Bear came to Doodle Dandy Rescue end of June 2024 through our rehome application. His family had adopted him when he was one year old from another family. The first family had gotten a dog to help cope with a tragedy, which Bear was great at. However, baby Bear spent his first year crated most of the time since the family didn’t want an “inside dog”. It was then that his second family was able to rescue him.


When Doodle Dandy Rescue received Bear’s application from his second family, they were traveling a lot, which left him home alone since his beloved canine sister’s death a few months before. His family felt that he really needed a home where he received more attention. Bear had always been an escape artist; after his canine sister’s death, his fear of thunderstorms had becoming uncontrollable to his family.


At 11 years old, this sweet goldendoodle was the oldest pup whom we had taken in. Though he whined on the ride to his foster mom’s place, just seeing his foster mom’s dog perked him up. His foster mom quickly learned that he was the sweetest boy who could not get enough of being petted. He had not met a stranger – four-legged or two-legged, big or small!


Bear just needed a little bit of training and socialization to become the bestest pup. Boy, who said you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks? Not Bear, for sure!! He was the fastest learner; he learned not to bark at other dogs during walks by the end of his first neighborhood walk. The very next day, he was walking in the neighborhood park full of geese and ducks, quickly learning not to bark at them or to chase them. He would go on car rides with his foster mom and her dog every day to get comfortable with car rides and for socialization in public/busy places. He started learning to overcome his nervousness around lakes and even enjoyed boat rides. In the short 4 weeks it took to medically and behaviorally clear him for adoption, his profile shined through with so many awesome qualities. Bear had even started learning to walk off-leash by that time. He would brave the worst thunderstorms, tucked in his human’s legs (no peeing, barking nor tantrums!).


Within 2 days of this sweet senior being posted for adoption, he received multiple applications. Doodle Dandy Rescue found the best home for Bear, where he had not only very loving parents, but also a toddler brother who adored him and a canine brother who was Bear’s mini-me. Within a week of Bear getting adopted, he had become the most popular dog in the neighborhood with the kids wanting to pet him every day. The second week, Bear took a trip to the beach where he played in the sea to his heart’s content. His family felt like he naturally belonged in their family – No introductions were even needed with anyone in his family!! Bear plays with his canine brother every day, loves to go on car rides with his parents, relishes cuddling with his toddler brother and enjoys people-watching from his balcony.


It gives Doodle Dandy Rescue immense satisfaction to be able to find the best family for him. Seniors like Bear do deserve second chances at forever homes, and we are delighted that we could help make it happen.

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